In response to the need for rapid growth of businesses in today’s changing economy, a new strategy model that focuses on transforming the key business processes through collaborative strategic outsourcing has emerged. Such modern high-level outsourcing practice is known as ‘Business Process Transformation (BPT)’. However, when such strategic initiative is focused on achieving enterprise-level impact, it is referred to as ‘Business Transformation Outsourcing (BTO).’ This new outsourcing model moves beyond the conventional outsourcing model towards strategic outsourcing of functions/processes with a view to achieving business transformation. This book throws light on the changing trends in outsourcing models, the move towards transformation outsourcing and, at large, focuses on the concept, significance, applications, and perspectives of ‘Business Transformation Outsourcing (BTO)’ strategy. At large, it comprises two different sections, each focused on distinctive, fundamental sub-themes and confines to providing introductory insights to the prospective readers. Business Transformation Outsourcing (BTO) being the latest trend in strategic management, this book will be a useful reference, primarily to those practitioners planning to venture into transformation outsourcing landscape. This book is expected to be of interest to the top executives, outsourcing professionals, etc., while offering learning value to the students, academicians and other related professionals.
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