Schooling systems all over the world are continuously adapting themselves to meet the challenges of globalization. The demand for educated and skilled workers is no rise. In fact the speed at which these changes are influencing the environment in the local as well as global market calls for reassessment of preparedness in school and higher education institutions to meet these challenges. Moreover, for developing a knowledge society the availability of quality education assumes increasing significance in such a scenario.
This book aims to provide comprehensive information on the changing nature of school education in the post-modern, globalizing society. It attempts to bring forth and discuss the various strategies adopted at institutional level for improving school functioning whether it is organisation structure, institutional management, classroom organisation, teaching-learning process and so on. It responds to the growing needs of educators and non-educators alike to have a concrete picture of the changing face of schools and information about the programmes to meet sufficiently the demands of fast-changing societies. This will be an influential work and will set new trends of thinking in school education.
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