An exceptional work for teaching the exceptional child, this book offers education, students and professionals an advantageous resource in providing young children with high quality educational programs. The book written by Mrs. Mamta Bhatia combines the research, experience, and talent of the experts with real-life perspectives for parents of children and professionals, teachers, those who are engaged with typically developing child care and education. Keeping in view a standard national and international guidelines and developmentally appropriate practices as a foundation for childhood care and education, it includes approach to promote successful learning environments for developing children. Proven recommendations for practical application, as well as a problem-solving framework for dealing with challenging behaviour are advised in an appropriate manner. Increased discussions of cultural, racial, and linguistic diversity, as well as updates on the most recent findings in neuroscience relevant to young children, and internet-based resources have also been added. As a well written, discerning text, "Childhood Education" is an invaluable complement to the educational endeavours of all those in the profession. Few important aspects of early childhood education discussed in the book ranges from "providing opportunities for healthy child development" to "ensuring that children are ‘ready to learn’ at school-entry age" to "supporting the transition of single mothers from welfare to work" to "supporting the workforce participation costs of parents with young children" to "reducing crime in the future.
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