Children: The Vanished Childhood: An Emperical Study

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This book is a manifestation of our thoughts, feelings and compassion for street children who have been always under drudgery, exploitation and violence from various dimensions without any time. Keeping this as a perspective we carried out this particular empirical study to show their plights and sufferings of life which are unspeakable and inexplicable. All information were collected through two sets of interview schedule- one for the children and other for the parents. Focus group discussions and a few case studies were also taken into account for acquiring information about this problem. To do so we made an attempt to entangle and establish their different level of life cycle along with their parents and their behaviour, child rights, support and torture from police personnel and community, policies and programmes, legislations and jurisprudence related to children have also been discussed as a vehicle for their protection. The findings and suggestions of our study are discussed very elaborately and vividly. We do hope this book will show how the street children of our country are passing their every second of their life; toiling and perspiring for their own survival.


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Children: The Vanished Childhood: An Emperical Study
1st. ed.