With the ushering of new and exciting millennium, we take great pleasure in presenting the sixth revised, updated and expanded edition of CIER’s Industrial Databook. It represents a new stage in the development of our Integrated Industrial Data System (IIDS) with enhanced data inputs. It also incorporates an extensive index which will facilitate access to data retrieval. As originally designed, the fourth phase of IIDS was synchronised with the introduction of the electronic-media based induscope. Induscope itself has entered a new phase, substituting text-retrieval engine by the user-friendly excel, being used the world over. It is now available in both media, floppies and CDs. IIDS has been the first major endeavour to delineate industrial sector data in India in a consolidated, comprehensive and consistent format, yielding an aggregative profile of the Indian manufacturing industry. It charts out, in outline, the major parameters of the industrial revolution in modern India. It highlights the growth dynamics while indicating the strengths and weaknesses of the development process. The volume, focusing on the manufacturing sector, starts with the macro-economic and plan-oriented data perspective in which the subject sector operates. These data have relevance to specific dimensions such as the impact on demand generation and infrastructural and other basic inputs. Data on agriculture, mineral and marine sectors provide the material resource base for industry. At the other end, infrastructure includes physical, financial and institutional frameworks.
CIER’s-Industrial Data Book-2000-01
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CIER’s-Industrial Data Book-2000-01
855p., Tables.
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