Coconut palm (Cocos Nucifera L.) a tree to versatility, popularly know as ‘King of Palms’ and ‘Kalpavriksha’ has been used as a source of food, drink, oil and milk by humans and their ancestors for at least half a million years. This palm not only provides sustainable income to millions who are directly and indirectly depending on this palm but also helps to provide food security, nutritional security, employment opportunities, alleviate poverty, export earnings and import substitution. This perennial palm, inspite of its hardy nature and adaptability to different soil conditions and vagaries of climate, often succumbs to different diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, phytoplasma and viruses. There has been long felt need for a book exclusively on the diseases of coconut by compiling information available in the different coconut growing countries. The bibliography cited in this publication would bear evidence to the fact that the last five decades had seen the accumulation of a considerable amount of literature on different diseases of the coconut and their management including very minor pathogens of coconut. This book would be useful for coconut growers, researchers, teachers, extension workers and students and also this book would serve as a good reference book on coconut diseases. The authors have tried to present up-to-date information on diseases of coconut.
Coconut Diseases
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Dr. B. Srinivasulu obtained M.Sc. (Ag) in Plant Pathology discipline in 1984 and Ph.D. in 1991 from Tamil Agricultural University, Coimbatore. He started his career as research Associate (Plant Pathology during 1984 form ICROSAT, Hyderabad. he has got more than 21 years of research, field and extension experience in Plant Pathology. Presently he is Principal Scientist) Plant Pathology), All India Co-ordinated research Project on Palms at Agricultural research Station (Acharya varied field experience in Horticultural crops viz., Pulses, Castor bean, sesamum and Rice. he has also handled two adhoc schemes viz., NATP on coconut basal stem rot and BARC Project on Leaf spot and rust of pulses and presently handling an adhoc scheme on coconut bud rot (ICAR). He was the recipient of IDRC, Canada fellowship. Honours like Dr. D. Bap Reddy Memorial Award (2004) for developing BSR-IDM package in coconut and Angrali Best research Worker Gold Medal (1999) were conferred on him besides many best research paper awards. He has attended about 35 Seminars/Symposia/Conferences and presented research papers. He has more than 94 original research publications, 83 popular articles, 11 technical bulletins/leaflets. he contributes one chapter on 'Biocontrol of pulse diseases' in biocontrol potential and its exploitation in sustainable Agriculture Vol.1: Crop Diseases, weeds and nematodes published by Kluwer Academic/Plenum, New York (2000) and guided five post graduate students in Plant Pathology.
Dr. D.V,. Raghava Rao obtained M.Sc. (Ag in Horticulture in 1974 from Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University and Ph.D. in 1983 from Gujarat Agricultural University. He has got more than 31 years of research and teaching experience in various Horticultural crops. Presently he is Principals scientist (Horticulture) All India Co-ordinated research Project on Palms at Agricultural research Station (Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University), Ambajipeta (AP). He has also handled A adhoc on INM (NATP) in coconut based cropping systems. He was the recipient of Sri Hari om Ashram Award (1985) and Angrali Best research scientist Award (2000). He participated in about 20 Seminars/Symposia/Conferences and presented papers. He published more than 70 original research publications, 30 popular articles and 16 technical bulletins/leaflets. He contributed one chapter on Turmeric in Advances in Horticulture Ed. K.L. Chandha and P. Rethinam (Vol. IX), Malhotra Publishing House, New Delhi (1994). he has also guided five post graduate students in Horticulture.
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Bibliographic information
Coconut Diseases
1st ed.
x+114p., Plates; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.
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