Communities, Forests and Governance: Policy and Institutional Innovations from Nepal

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These experiences to document lessons from different CBFM initiatives that have taken place over the past few decades in Nepal.  The book analyzes not only the dynamics of community-level interactions but also how policy and programme processes shape, determine and influence the practices and outcomes of community-based natural resource management activities.  Together, the eight chapters of the book demonstrate the pitfalls and potentials of community-based and collaborative management programmes.  In particular, the analysis highlights the slow progress achieved when programmes are implemented without a basic consensus on the broad framework for decision-making, making them highly contested in practice.  The Nepal experience shows the importance of deliberation on policy and programme agendas with affected people, including local communities.  While community-based approaches are often assumed to be more equitable, the case studies in this volume show the limits of devolution (moving power from state to community) and the importance of strengthening the capacity of community organizations to become effective and equitable managers of forests.  At the same time, the cases show the degree of autonomy that is needed to provide the conditions for effective local-level collective action and resilient local institutions.  Perhaps what is most important is that these stories show how, over time, community-based forestry programmes move beyond a narrow conception of a ‘government programme’, to an independent social arena where civil society groups, state agencies and international actors contest each other for diverse resources, power and positions.  Nepal’s experience shows the potential of civil society action at multiple scales to make forest governance transparent, accountable and democratic.  The degree to which community-based programmes address issues at upper layers of governance, such as district or other sub-national arenas is rarely considered by programme planners, yet the empirical examples illustrate the importance of integration of these levels.  This kind of integration and accountability is crucial in order to combat the ways to which subtle agendas of centralization are promoted in the name of participation, devolution and decentralization.  Finally, the book demonstrates the importance of learning, negotiation and experimentation to achieve successful, sustainable and democratic forest governance in Nepal.


Brian Belcher has a background in ecology, resource management and economics.  His work focuses management and economics. His work focuses on understanding and improving the role and potential of natural resources to meet development and environmental objectives.


Chetan Kumar has a background in forestry management and human geography. His work is focused on various 'community-based' approaches to forest management and livelihoods improvement.


Dr. Ojha has over 15 years of experience in research studies and development actions.  He is a founder of Forest Action Nepal and continues to be its advisor.  He has worked as researcher/specialist/consultant for several Nepal-based and international agencies.  He did doctoral research in Development Studies (with a focus on Natural Resource Governance) from School of Development Studies, University of East Angila, Norwich, UK.  His current research works include natural resource governance and social justice, deliberative processes in the context of environmental policy-making, community based forest governance, adaptive co-management of ecosystems, protected area and local people, participatory action research methodologies, and local and meso level forest governance.  His research works span a wide range of geographic regions Nepal, South Asia, Himalayas, South-East Asia, and West Africa.  He has written and edited over a dozen scientific papers, as well as several practitioner-oriented products such as manuals, guidebooks and policy briefs.  He has published peer-reviewed papers and articles in various international journals such as Policy and Society, International Development Planning Review, International Journal of Social Economics, International Forestry Review, Forestry Chronicle, and Policy Matters on diverse topics, encompassing policy, institutions, knowledge systems, resource management, conflict, and livelihoods.  He co-edited a book “Knowledge Systems and Natural Resources: Management, Institutions and Policy in Nepal” which is published (2008) by Cambridge University Press India in collaboration with International Development Research Center (IDRC) of Canada.


Mani Ram Banjade has over 12 years of experience in Research, publication and social mobilization.  He has worked for government, bilateral projects and (I)NGOs.


Netra Prasad Timsina's development and research experiences encompass diverse aspects of natural resource management for the last 20 years.  He worked in Forest Action as the Coordinator from 2003-2005.


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Communities, Forests and Governance: Policy and Institutional Innovations from Nepal
1st ed.
247p., Tables; Maps; References; Index; 26cm.

