Comparative Perspectives on Education

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The task of imparting education in modern times has shifted from religious institutions to the state. This shift has resulted in spectacular change in educational pattern: from its availability to a few ones it has acquired universal status; from a highly discriminated field reserved for special classes it has acquired universal status; from a highly discrimination on the basis of gender, caste, class and colour. Owing to this, last few decades have witnessed tremendous growth in number of educational institutions and student enrolments. However level of development and change in pattern differ to some extent among different countries. “Comparative Perspectives on Education” delves deep into pattern of secondary education, fund administration, schedule developing, promoting and grouping students, school administration and principal’s activities in secondary schools. The book makes a comparative presentation of various aspects of secondary schools in America, Netherlands, Spain, United Mexican States, Brazil, South Africa, Egypt and Syria to get an overview of pattern of secondary education throughout the world. The book will be of immense use to teachers, educationalists, students and general readers.


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Comparative Perspectives on Education
1st ed.
vii+266p., Index; 23cm.