Computer Assisted Instruction in Education

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Technology is undergoing metamorphosis stage and accordance computer plays a very significant role and brings up revolutionary change in technological province. Not only each and every sector of life is occupied by technology but also it becomes an integral part of everyday teaching and learning processes. In spite of this the book entitled Computer Assisted Instruction for Chemistry Subject a Research Approach; will definitely play a vital role in providing knowledge and constructive design to the reader. This book is purely research approach to the Computer-assisted Instruction and programmed Instruction and related Pedagogical aspects based on the findings of the research entitled, Development of Computer Assisted Instruction Programme and its Effectiveness to Teach Chemistry to XI Standard Students. This book consists of Computer Assisted Instruction and Constructivism, Designing and Development of CAI programme, ICT issues and problems and one more important feature of this book is the research methodology which is the core aspect of the book and is an application to the research study discussed which includes design, construction of tests checking the validity and reliability and designing of CAI programme. Its validity and reliability such aspects are discussed very systematically and thoroughly. A collective literature and researches related to CAI are thoroughly discussed in this book. Author assures all these aspects will be definitely helpful to those students; who are pursuing their M. Phil and Doctoral research study in this area.

Furthermore, this book consists of CAI approach to Statistics subject for PG students. The book also includes the current issue such as Tablet PC: Superb innovation of 21st century and Quality enhancement through computer technology is discussed elaborately. In this Endeavour this book will focus the beam of light and provide proper path and direction to the reader.


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Computer Assisted Instruction in Education
1st. ed.