Prakriti or Constitution is formed at the time of union of sperm and ovum. The predominance of Doshas, elements and Gunas once formed remains constant for every individual for his entire lifetime. This predominance decides the disease tendency of that individual. However with proper life-style, one can keep all the factors in perfect balance and avoid diseases. Hence understanding correct Prakriti is the key to health. Once Prakriti is known, proper diet, behavior, exercise and Yoga can be done to maintain Health. Although there are seven types of Prakriti, most individuals belong to the duel group. Many books have been written explaining the life-style for various types of Prakriti. However this is first book, which has explained life-style and various food recipes (for breakfast, lunch and dinner) for dual type of Prakriti. Along with life-style, we have also explained the proness of disease and the ways to prevent the same with the use of proper occupation, different gems and colour therapies.
Concept of Prakrti and Life-Style
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Dr. Subhash Ranade is one of the foremost experts on Ayurveda. He is leading academician and physician in the field of Ayurveda. He is the author of more than 92 books on Ayurveda and Yoga. He has worked as Prof. And Head, Dept. of Ayurveda. Pune,University and Principal of Ashtang Ayurveda College, Pune, India. He is also Chairman, International Academy of Ayurveda, Pune, India. This Institute imparts Ayurveda courses, Panchakarma and rejuvenative treatment for foreigners and Indians in Pune and Goa. Professor Subhash Ranade has given many television interviews on Ayurveda, not only in India but also in Poland, Italy and Germany as well. He has also attended many International and National seminars on Ayurveda and Yoga. He has written hundreds of articles on Ayurveda and Yoga in various magazines and newspapers. He has honor of being visiting Professor to many institutes in the United States like Ayu-Seattle, American Institute of Ayurveda, San Francisco; SEVA academy Munich and Veda Klinik Charlottenhohe, Germany; Ateneo Veda Vyasa, Savona and SKA Ayurveda, Milan, Italy; School of Ayurvedic Culture, Barcelona, Spain; Body-mind Health, Surich, Swiss; Ultimate Health Center, Athens, Greece; and Foundation for Health in Warszawa, Poland. His pioneerinjg work in the field of CD ROM's like Dhanvantari and Marma and Massage have been whole-heartedly welcomed and highly appreciated by the Ayurveda world. Since 1981, he has visited and conducted hundreds of Ayurveda courses for medical practitioners in Europe, Canada, USA and Japan.
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Concept of Prakrti and Life-Style
1st ed.
vii+226p., Tables; Appendix.
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