This is a unique and pioneering work in that for the first time it brings together well thought-out ideas and concrete suggestions from some of the most eminent Indians – scholars, jurists, administrators, diplomats and public men – on a theme of tremendous contemporary concern. What was the vision of the founding fathers? Has it been fulfilled? Did the constitution suit our genius and ethos? Has it been successful in satisfying the needs and aspirations of the people? Are changes imperative and, if so, what should be the quantum and direction of change? How can the proposed changes be brought about? What can be the mechanism? How to attract better quality of men to politics? What should be the future shape of Union-State relations and the nature of decentralisation to grassroots levels? Is there a case for some kind of Presidential or other system? Should there not be 50 or 60 States of equal size in India? How to decentralise economic power and planning processes? These and many other very fundamental questions in regard to our polity and the Constitution have been raised and answered in the articles, specially written for this volume in a most convincing and congent manner by the distinguished contributors. It emerges that the case for a review of the Constitution is unassailable and demand for reforms widespread. The book is bound to further the national debate and lead to concrete results.
Constitutional Reforms: Problems, Prospects and Perspectives
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Constitutional Reforms: Problems, Prospects and Perspectives
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