Contemporary Public Health: Policy, Planning, Management

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Concepts, definitions and scope of Public Health practice have been changing since Wonslow’s definition of Public Health in 1920. Currently all professionals concerned directly or indirectly with practice of Public Health share a common understanding of looking at Public Health in developmental framework. With the changing health problems in the communities, the nature and magnitude of challenges faced by health managers in managing these problems has also changed. Public Health professionals need to be pragmatic in their approach in meeting these challenges and therefore it is imperative that their education and training is always in a dynamic mode. Policy maker, planners and managers of health services unanimously share the view that there has been a gradual deterioration of Public Health structures, services, research and education in the country. Amongst many reasons, lack of career structures and inadequacies in education of Public Health professionals are predominant reasons for this state of affairs. A concerted effort is now required to be mounted to tackle these inadequacies. This publication is a step in that direction. While the compendium is titled ‘Contemporary Public Health’, the focus remains on policy, planning and management. The book is essentially meant for Public Health students, policy makers, health managers at district level and above, researchers, trainers and project managers of NGOs. The entire compilation is in the framework of Health and Development. The publication provides the essential basics that any Public Health professional is expected to know, from an Indian perspective. However, the context is wide and such that by and large the professionals in neighbouring countries in South Asia and East Asia as well as in other developing countries will find it useful.


Prof. A.K. Sood, formerly Prof. of Education and Training in NIHFW has a long and rich experience in Educational Technology, Training Processes, Health Management and Health Systems Research. He has contributed in 40 books, reports, modules and has more that 105 articles in various journals to his credit.


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Contemporary Public Health: Policy, Planning, Management
1st ed.
xv+902p., Figures; Tables; 28cm.