Creative Activities and the Law: Human Rights Approach

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This book deals with important aspects of human creative activities and the law. This is a compilation of articles written by eminent scholars with emphasis on the human rights approach of creative activities. In the changing circumstances of the World Trade and Commerce property created by the human being by his wisdom, knowledge and capacity is called intellectual property. This property is being protected by the law as a right of human being. Thus, protection of intellectual property is legal right. It results from the intellectual creativity in industrial, scientific, artistic and literary field. The creation of intellectual property is human mind, intellect and wisdom, that is why this property is called intellectual property. Intellectual property rights incorporate the bundle of legal doctrines. These doctrines are regulating the use of information in the form of expression. These creative activities as intellectual property are the material interests of human beings. Every human being has the right to the protection of the material interest resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author. It is the duty of the state to respect this freedom indispensable for scientific research and creative activity. This book is being presented on the new humanitarian approach of the creative activities as intellectual property rights. The present book traces history, development and future to creative activities. It points out the inconsistencies, surveys the case law and offers many sound suggestions.


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Creative Activities and the Law: Human Rights Approach
1st ed.


#Human Rights