Cultivation of Fruits Vegetables and Floriculture

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The study of fruit and vegetable production, is a subject of enormous scope. It involves the integration of wide spectrum of disciplines. As the new technologies and developments become available, cropping system and production practices changes. Many principles and practices, that were common a few years ago may no longer be current. The purpose of this text is to provide complete, reliable, up to date information on the various phases of fruit and vegetable production in a systematic and convenient manner. Floriculture covers all the aspects related to the production and use of flowers and ornamental plants, flower seeds, bulbs etc. The scenario of floriculture is changing fast due to steadily widening export opportunities and large number of people earn their livelihood. This publication deals with all the important and relevant aspects of floriculture including production technology, open cultivation in different climates. The book is written in a such way that it can be used by commercial growers, home gardeners, professional floriculturists and environmentalists.


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Cultivation of Fruits Vegetables and Floriculture
1st ed.
760p., Tables.