China and India – the two emerging economies with growing influence the world over – are also undergoing profound social and cultural change. While China introduced a variety of economic and political reforms in 1978, India initiated economic reforms only in 1991. These shifts produced significantly higher rates of growth than witnessed during the preceding decades. The rapid pace of economic growth in both these countries transformed their economies in many ways, but economic transformation does not occur in isolation. Culture and social institutions also influence, and are influenced by the processes of economic change. While much is written on these subjects in each country, there is hardly any attempt made to approach these concerns from a comparative perspective. This volume, therefore, attempts a comparative understanding of the two great nations and their diverse social and cultural realities. The essays focus on a wide variety of topics concerning the contemporary societies of China and India, such as the middle classes and consumption patterns, the processes of migrations, labour markets, regional inequalities and housing besides critical social and policy concerns such as gender bias and discrimination, religious life and ethnic minorities. This volume is in a way a beginning towards developing new ways of looking at the two societies by learning from each other’s experience. It would also help building a better perception of each other within the two countries.
Culture and Economic Transformation: Perspectives from India and China
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Culture and Economic Transformation: Perspectives from India and China
1st. ed.
x+291p., Illustrations; Maps; 23cm.
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