Dalit and Economic Reforms

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This book is about the impact of economic reforms on Dalits. In today’s world the economy has removed all sorts of dissimilarity and money has become the central point of all the activities. The book will provide insight to readers understand the various problems faced by the Dalits in our country from the time immemorial. Role of economy in uplifting the conditions of the poor and Dalits cannot be underestimated. In fact, economic reforms have improved the conditions of the Dalits immensely for a long time Dalits have not only been neglected but they have also been exploited at a terrific rate. With the dawn of new economic reforms their conditions have been improved immensely and the major objectives of the book is to present the vivid picture and the impact of economic reforms upon Dalits.

Industrialization and globalizations have also contributed greatly in raising the living standard of the Dalits. In fact, modernity has been attributed to the uplifting of the society especially down trodden. We hope that his book will be very useful for the readers who are curious to know the impacts of economic reforms on the Dalits in India.


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Dalit and Economic Reforms
1st ed.
267p., Index; 23cm.