A good deal of work has been done on Medicinal Plants during the last few decades in various fields. The researchers as well as other agencies and individuals interested in plant drugs find it difficult to get on the spot information collectively on diverse aspects, as the literature is still scattered. Therefore a need was felt to collect all the informations and compile it in form of a publication. This publication, being second in the series includes 40 medicinal taxa commonly used in Ayurveda. Like the previous Volume, it presents a brief and concised account of their botanical characters, parts used in medicine, actions and uses, Ayurvedic properties, prescribed doses, Pharmacognostic characters, Chemical constituents, Pharmacological activities, Toxicology, Therapeutic evaluation, Trade & Commerce, Substitutes & Adulterants, Formulations & Preparations and Propagation & Cultivation apart from latest valid botanical names and important synonyms, classical (Ayurvedic) names, vernacular names and distribution in India alongwith a photograph of the plant and parts used to help in identification. The textual matter is supplemented by an exhaustive Bibliography containing uptodate references.
Database on Medicinal Plants Used in Ayurveda (Volume 5)
A good deal of work has been ...
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