Definitional Glossary of Agricultural Terms (In 2 Volumes)

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Definitional Glossary of Agricultural Terms (Vol-2) includes the terms related to crop sciences, e.g. genetics, biotechnology, plant breeding, plant physiology and biochemistry, plant pathology, plant protection, horticulture, seed science and technology, statistics, internet, library and information sciences, etc. Very often descriptive text, related terms, synonyms and antonyms are given in addition to the proper definition to help the reader to understand the term in its context and practical use. Useful information pertaining to cell biology, agronomy, soils, soil fertility, manures and fertilizers, organic farming and crop residues, etc. have been presented in tabular form. Tables relating to symbols, units of measurements and conversion factors are also provided.


Dinesh Kumar b. 1972 –in Kurthaul, a village on the southern outskirts of Patna), took his primary and secondary education in government schools in Patna. After gradating in Political Science (Hon’s) from Patna, he went on to study Law at Delhi University’s prestigious Campus Law centre. It was at Delhi University that the idea of taking up a career in writing occurred to him. After his arrival from Delhi in 2000, he began practicing as an advocate in Patna High Court. It was during his first years as a lawyer that the idea of writing a book on his home state first came to his mind. Over the next few years, he tried to gather material-mostly from his personal experiences and observations –for the book. His chief interests, apart from writing, are Western Classics, Buddhist literature, culture and heritage, listening to the BBC World service Brazilian soccer, traveling and spending as much time as possible in solitude. He is at presently working on his next book.


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Definitional Glossary of Agricultural Terms (In 2 Volumes)
1st ed.