Astrology is a great science based on sound principles and theory of karma through cycles of rebirth. A horoscope is basically a map of zodiac indicating position of planets in various signs! Nashotah at the lime and place of birth. The delineation of a chart is the science and art of deciphering it s per the know1edge intuition of the astrologer and divine help available to him. Therefore the first requisite is to hair sound knowledge of nature and characteristics of houses, signs, Nashotah and planets and their inter-relation. Next comes the basic tools like dasha, transit, yoga and divisional chart and their application in delineating a horoscope. Lagan is the single most important factor in delineating a horoscope. its the very bang of the native, his élan vital & basic potential Unless the seed of a specific quality or event is contained in this basic potential, other planetary indications will not find suitable- opportunities for manifestation. Lagna also determines the numbering of houses with lagna being the first. With- the change in lagna, the significations of any planet will change drastically, as his house & lordship changes, although the sign & constellation of the planet remain unchanged.
Delineating a Horoscope
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Delineating a Horoscope
1st. ed.
Sagar Publications, 2012
262p., 8.5 inch X 5.5 inch
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