Eight edition of this book (July, 2006) is based on Bridge Rules (Adopted in 1941, Revised in 1964 and Reprinted in 1989), and IS: 800-1984 as amended in 1997. Authors have distributed present text in the edition in thirty two chapters [that is, in Four parts (1) Steel Bridges and Influence Lines Diagrams for axial forces for the members of different types of truss-girders, (2) Special Steel Structures (3) Analysis of Structures specially, the method of tension co-efficients for determinate and indeterminate structures, (4) Aluminium structures. In order to emphasize that similar to various other subjects, this subject is also very vast. Therefore, space steel structures and stressed-skin steel structures have been described special features of this new-edition of this book may be mentioned as under (1) Historical development of different types of steel bridges details of some spans of longest spans of various types of steel bridges, (2) Design of Guyed Steel Chimneys (3) Instantaneous Centre of Rotation (ICR) and Plastic Analysis of Pitched slope (i.e., gable structure) and influences of axial forces and shear forces on the plastic moment of resistance of the member cross-sections.
Design of Steel Structures, Volume 2
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Dr. Ram Chandra did his Graduation in Engineering from M.B.M. Engineering College, Jodhpur in 1959, and M.E. 1970 in Structural Engineering in Honours Division. He got his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Roorkee, (Indian Institute of Technology) Roorkee in 1984. Joined as Lecturer in Civil Engineering M.B.M. Engineering College, Jodhpur in December 1961. Selected as reader in Structural Engineering in August, 1965 and became Professor and Head of Department in Structural Engineering in 1984 and 1990.
Dr. Chandra has published two papers in International Journal (ASCE, New York) in April, 1990. Three papers in National Journals (Institution of Engineers, India), July 1971 and Indian Engineer June, 1970 and August, 1970. Six papers in Conferences/National Seminars (two-papers at Roorkee, 1979 and 1993) one paper at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 1984 and three papers at J.N.V. University, Jodhpur (2002, 2005).
Dr. Chandra is the author of six reputed books being studied and referred by students, teachers, research scholars and design engineers alike not only through-out India but in foreign countries also. He has taught various subjects of Civil Engineering specially Steel Structres, Concrete Structures, Computer Programming and Engineering Mechanics to the students of graduate and post-graduate studies.
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Design of Steel Structures, Volume 2
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