The title and topic included in this book necessitates to write the first three para below: the discipline of Chemistry is my academic subject in teaching, while research outreaches the boundary of Chemistry and includes chemical- and low temperature physics involving magnecrystalline and paramagnetic resonance studies, both experimental and theoretical, and certain aspects of solid state physics, solar energy etc. While writing the foreword of this title, certain questions come to the mind. For, the strong urge for doing research after M.Sc. ended with the opportunity of doing research in Inorganic chemistry (modern co-ordination chemistry) at Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Jadavpur, Calcutta, an institution founded by a nationalist, Dr. Mahendra Lal Sarkar during British rule; the names of C.V. Raman, M.N. Saha, S.N. Bose are associated with it. After getting Ph.D, a new desire of learning topical subjects required very hard and dedicated efforts to learn diverse basic subjects in order to be capable of doing fruitful research in areas like chemical and low temperature physics, solid state physics and so on. That desire continued and persists even to-day.
Subrata Lahiry, M.Sc. (Dacca University), Ph.D. (Jadavpur University, Calcutta), former Head and Professor of the Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, has, for his commitment to academic values and practices and to the people and the country, had to encounter, in the sea of corruption, obstacle for all these years of academic life at Universities of Jadavpur and Delhi--- a natural phenomenon in a semi-feudal society. the initial firm research training in Chemistry and later in Solid State Physics at the oldest Institute of India, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Calcutta, founded by a nationalist at heart but internationalist in outlook, had the all pervading influence in future life. He has created infrastructure, viz, fabricating and setting up of apparatus and equipment for his pioneering research in diverse topical areas such as coordination chemistry, chemical and solid state physics especially magnetocrystalline studies as a function of temperature, paramagnetic resonance and theoretical works thereon, magnetism of fine particles especially superparamagnetism and thermoremanent magnetization (first works from an Indian laboratory in Physics, Geophysics and Chemistry); magnetism of manganese nodules; and storage of solar radiation in organic valence isomers. Papers were published in internationally well known scientific journals like Int. Jour. Quanturm chemistry, Physica Status Solidi (b and a), Theoretica Chimica Acta, Chemical Physics Letters, Inorganic Chemistry (USA), Solar Energy (USA), etc. and in Indian Journal of Physics.
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