Development at the Crossroads: Impact on Rural Development

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This book attempts to show the growth of the Indian economy vis-?-vis its pitfalls. As we stand in the beginning of the Tenth Plan, what we face is the stark reality of the opposite of development. The book highlights the necessity of initiating an accelerated process of enhancing the well being of the vast majority of deprived people living on the margins of the economy and society. The equity promoting role of central planning needs to be re-emphasised. The book cautions that operations of the market forces particularly reinforced by the powerful global players, are likely to contribute to the enhancement of economic disparities among people and regions. The book attempts to pin-point the necessity of evolving new strategies of development responsive to meet the needs of regions and people without being overtaken by global forces. This book will be useful to research scholars and people interested in knowing contemporary economic situation. Students of rural development will find this immensely useful. The book will be of use also for the people associated with developmental process.


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Development at the Crossroads: Impact on Rural Development
1st ed.