Development Perspectives: India : Contributions of P.R. Brahmananda to the IEJ (In 2 Volumes)

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Development Perspectives : India" is a set of 2 volumes containing the contributions of Prof. P.R. Brahmananda to the Indian economic journal and it was planned to commemorate the completion of the first 50 years by the Journal. Prof. P.R. Brahmananda was the managing editor/editor of the Indian economic journal almost since the inception of it in 1952-53. His works have appeared in it spanning its volumes 1 to 50. The editors have presented them in four sections, viz. (i) Theoretical perspectives, (ii) Indian economic development, (iii) On contributions by economists, and (iv) Obituaries, felicitations, book reviews and reports. Readers and researchers interested in Prof. Brahmananda’s works will find these volumes usefully arranged in chronological order in each of the four sections. While volume one contains the sections I and II, the remaining sections III and IV are contained in volume II. This set of 2 volumes is dedicated in the memory of Prof. P.R. Brahmananda as he passed away in the 50 year of the IEJ in 2003.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Biswajit Chatterjee

Biswajit Chatterjee is Professor, Department of Economics, and Dean, Faculty of Arts, Jadavpur University, Kolkata. He is also a Vice-Presidient of the indian Society of Labour Economics, and a member of the Executive Committee of the Indian Econometric Society, and an Editor of The Indian Economci Journals. His other books inlcude Indian Economy: Agenda for the 21st Century (2002), In Search of District Development Index (2002) and Towards the District Development Report for West Bengal (2003). He has also published numerous articles in professional journals.


Dr. Raj Kumar Sen is Professor and former Head, Department of Economics, Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata. He was also President (2003-04), Indian Economic Association, Managing Editor (June 2003-04), The Indian Economic Journal and President (2002-05), Bengal Economic Association.


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Development Perspectives: India : Contributions of P.R. Brahmananda to the IEJ (In 2 Volumes)
1st ed.