Development Planning for Agriculture

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Despite four decades of planned development Indian agriculture is facing the problems of cyclical fluctuations, regional disparities, low productivity and inadequate utilization of rural manpower and natural resources. The advent of new technology in agriculture has made the country self-sufficient but the goal of food security is yet to be realized fully. The recently prepared Draft Agriculture Policy Resolution by the Government of India is a welcome step in the direction of responding to major challenges faced by the Indian agriculture. It is now right time to go into deeper probe of the implications of Draft Policy so that new agricultural policy be formulated in a significant manner. The present volume is a modest attempt to bring issues surrounding various aspects of agricultural development. The papers included in this volume are contributed by eminent policy makers, economic thinkers and agricultural scientists. These well-researched and comprehensive essays should be of enduring interest to policy makers in India and also to the development administrators, academics and students of economics, agriculture and rural development.


Mr. Arbind Prasad, I.A.S. (b. 1956) is presently a Ph.D. Fellow in Yale University, U.S.A. Mr. Prasad got his B.Tech. Degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur and received the gold medal and First Prize for Academic Excellence at his graduate level. He joined the Indian Administrative Service in 1980 and since then he held many responsible administrative positions. Along with wide administrative experience Mr. Prasad is also a man of academic pursuits having to his credit a co-editied book Development Planning for Agriculture and many articles. He founded The Bihar JOurnal of Agricultural Marketing with which he was associated as the Chief Editor.


Dr. Jagdish Prasad (b. 1948) is a senior faculty member in Economics Division, in A.N. Sinha Institute of Social Studies, Patna. Since his joining the Institute in 1974, Dr. Prasad has been working on various subjects related to agriculture and economic development. In the field of agricultural marketing, he has long been associated with many study projects and has brought out a large number of research papers and reports. He is at preent also Editor of The Bihar Journal of Agricultural Marketing. An agricultural economist of eminence, Dr. Prasad has authored the book ‘Marketable Surplus and Market Performance’ (1989). He has co-edited three books viz., New Economic Policy: Reforms and Development (1993), Development Planning for Agriculture (1994), and Indian Agricultural Marketing: Emerging Trends and Perspectives (1995). He has to his credit numerous/research articles and papers published in journals of repute and over a dozen research reports.


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Development Planning for Agriculture
1st ed.
x+386p., Tables; Appendices; Index; 22cm.