Digital Technology in Education

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The purpose of this book is to provide a panoramas of the application of new digital technologies in education. It concerns how ICT can create new. Open learning environments and their instrumental role in shifting the emphasis from a teacher-centred to a learner-centred environment; where teachers move from being the key source of information and transmitter of knowledge to becoming a collaborator and co-learner; and where the role for students changes from one of passively receiving information to being actively involved in their own learning. This book is the product of permanent collaboration with many teams of professionals in various disciplines. To all of them we convey our sincere acknowledgment. The book pursues a practical and realistic approach to curriculum and teacher development that can be implemented quickly and cost effectively, according to available resources, or would like to know more about, ICT in educational environment. We sincerely hope that this book will be both informative and useful for a wide range of users who pursue, a common goal of digital technology in education.


Krishna Sagar, M.A., M.Ed, PhD, has had a brilliant academic record. He obtained M.Ed and PhD degrees in Education in early 1990s. He also received a diploma certificate in Computer Science in 1995. Started his career in 1984 as a lecturer in education in a teacher training college in Banglore, he is now well- known professor of education in India and abroad. As a educational Visionary, he is associated with many academic bodies and institutions. Dr. Sagar has a special interest in active learning and alternative delivery methods. He has extensive experience in techonologically mediated environments, including interactive television and online education. His current research is focused on virtual education, modern learning styles, and instructional technology. As a prolific writer he has contributed more than 17 research papers in famous print and electronic journals.


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Digital Technology in Education
1st ed.
viii+207p., Tables; Figures; References; Bibliogrsaphy; Index; 23cm.