The evolution of human race to its present state is due to constant endeavour of each parents to see that even at the cost of their own discomfort, their children move ahead and achieve, what even they could not for any reason. The aim of education liberates a soul from darkness of ignorance to the glory of true knowledge and bliss. To acquire knowledge is a natural trail of all human beings. However these days the steam/ branches of education are so many and varied and to get admission therein is so competitive and difficult that the task of the young students and their parents have become difficult. Hence there is a definite need to have astrological/ psychological counseling for specific educational fields. There are number of astrological yogas, combinations, Arishtas (to be countered) as tools for astrologers; yet the astrologer have to invoke his knowledge and intuition to the maximum to be able to provide the correct and timely counsel. Hope the book will help one and all in pursuit of the same.
Education and Astrology
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Education and Astrology
1st. ed.
168p., 8.5 inch x 5.5 inch
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