Education is a process of bringing or moulding a young for living a congenial and comfortable life. Since times immemorial the man has been bringing up or educating his offsprings for living a sane social life. And since times immemorial the educational objectives have been based on this principle. In ancient civilization and Mohan-jo-daro and Vedic civilizations in India, education was imparted on this principle. In all civilizations like Greek, Mesopotamia, Hebrew in Eastern Europe and Mohan-jo-daro and Vedic Civilization in India and in Chinese Civilization educational aims were framed and education was imported in familial way. Education was first imparted in which the mother was the prime teacher of the child. Even in Gurukulas the familial type of educational system was followed. Some Gurkulas were named on this principle as Taxila was named. Taxila means a moulding place. Still in many tribal areas the familial education is in practice. The main aim of education in these tribal areas is to mould the child according to their tribal culture. Many tribals train their youths to be sane, specialized, moral, co-operative and responsible persons.
The Musings of A Professor
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