Although Education is the most vital and potent instrument for development, individual and social progress, it has not received in India due attention for quite some time. That is why illiteracy and poverty are widespread. This naturally calls for a realistic and critical analysis of our system of education, policy0thrusts, schemes, and priority areas of education in the light of past experience, recent trends and realities of life. The prime objective should be to ascertain what possibly can be done with what we have, how the system can be vitally improved or transformed. The present book Education in India: Reforming the System attempts to examine the various aspects of reforming the educational system in India.
Education in India: Reforming the System
by Atma Ram
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Dr. Atma Ram, a veteran educationist, academician, administrator, and writers, has to his credit over two dozen books, 300 articles/papers, and 47 Ph.D. / M.Phil. scholar. In 1981, he visited the USA and Britain and made on-the-spot study of variuos aspects of education, literature, and educational administration. Dr. Atma Ram has a life-long experience in education and has worked on several important positions-Education Adviser to Himachal Pradesh Government; Directoro f Education, Himachal Pradesh; Chairman, Examiniation Reforms Committee, HImachal Pradesh University; Eduation Consultant, HImachal Pradesh State Law Commission, etc. He has received the Order of People's National Award (1984), Distinguished Leadership Award 1986 (USA), and the Himachal Pradesh Sahitya Academy Award (1983). Dr. Ram's major publications include: Education for the Poor (1997), Morality in Tess and Other Essays (1996), Education for Development (1995), National Policy on Education: An Overview (1994, 2nd, rev.ed. 1996), Education for the People (1993), Interviews with Indians Writing in English (1992), Indian Poetry and Fiction in English (1991), Higher Education in India (1990), Woman as a Novelist: A Study of Jane Austen (1989), Essays on Indian english Literature (1984), Heroines in Jane Austen (1982), and Perspectives on R.K. Narayan (1981).
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Bibliographic information
Education in India: Reforming the System
1st ed.
ix+137p., Appendices; Index; 23cm.
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