Educational Infrastructure and Economic Reforms

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The issue of financing is of utmost importance to the growth and development of education in India. Since the 1950s, mainly the central and state governments have financed higher education. The relative share of the government has shown remarkable increase since the time of independence to the recent years. India has witnessed a massive expansion of its education infrastructure and today it has one of he largest education networks and third largest reservoir of science and technology manpower in the world. India has a large school going population. To accommodate this school going population, it requires a strong educational infrastructure in order to keep pace with the developing economy and provide it with quality manpower.

Effective investment in education requires strategic investment in the facilities in which teaching and learning occurs. To ensure that facilities continue to support the changing needs and demands of the knowledge economy, substantial initial and sustained investments are needed.

This book narrates the issues in educational infrastructure, especially in the context of global economic reforms. It will be an immensely useful reference tool for students, teachers, educational planners, policy makers, educational administrators and research scholars.


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Educational Infrastructure and Economic Reforms
1st. ed.