Emerging Trends in Environmental Science

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The unprecedented economic growth of India, over the last three decades, also has resulted in an imbalance in the environment. Rightfully, it has been recognised that the development should be sustainable, in the long run. In order to meet this objective, it is necessary to study the rate at which it is being replenished, so that a balance can be stuck. For this purpose, a continuous monitoring of the environment is needed along with the methods for abatement/control of pollutants in the backdrop of recycling of resources. It is in this context, that the deliberations of the conference on ‘Emerging trends in environmental science’, in which a number of scientists and technologists drawn from the Universities and research institutes, both India and foreign, took part. It is hoped that this publication would be of immense help to researchers, engineers, planners and environmentalists, who are interested in the philosophy of ‘Sustainable development’.


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Emerging Trends in Environmental Science
1st Ed.
xii+304p., Tables; Figs.