Cropping pattern expresses the shares of different crops in the farmer’s total cultivated area in an agricultural year. Cropping pattern is an important indicator of a farmer’s decision-making ability, which witnesses dynamisms over space and time in response to the changes in factors, which determine the latter. The landlocked state of Jharkhand endowed with heterogeneous landscape, huge mineral resources dominance of aboriginals’ habitat and their culture is a unique geographical unit. In the recent years agricultural land use has undergone a significant change in Jharkhand. Therefore it is necessary to study the changes in cropping pattern at the district level. Since all the districts of Jharkhand may not respond similarly, and all may need different types of infrastructural facilities and planning it is better to study the district level-cropping pattern or district level changes at this stage. The present study is an attempt to trace the emerging trends of cropping pattern in India with the case study of Jharkhand.
Emerging Trends of Cropping Patterns in India: A Spatio-Temporal Study of Jharkhand
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Emerging Trends of Cropping Patterns in India: A Spatio-Temporal Study of Jharkhand
1st ed.
xii+204p., Tables; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.
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