Encyclopaedia Natura Medica is a comprehensive account of medicinal and astrological values of herbs and minerals, picked up from various therapeutic traditions of the world and arranged into six parts over four volumes. It takes a detailed account of Dr. Nicholas Culpeper’s study of European herbs and minerals and also lists about 3000 herbs found in different parts of world for their medicinal and astral importance. This encyclopaedia is a valuable reference for everyone interested in holistic or natural medicine and combines updated information on herbs and minerals with the ancient knowledge. The first part of the encyclopedic compilation is named An Introduction to Herbal Traditions and discusses herbs, herbalism and traditions in herbal medicine along with herbs and traditional medicine in China. Part two describes more than 3500 herbs and its medicinal components, dose preparation, administration and safety. Part three and four are brief yet most importantly have been exclusively devoted to poisonous herbs and aroma therapy. Part five and six of the Natura Medica carry Nicholas Culpeper’s studies of the herbs and minerals, detailing their medicinal and astral importance in human life. The last section briefs the reader about common methods for preparing powders, syrups, simples and compounds from herbs and minerals for the use of general physician. Lastly, we hope Natura Medica has succeeded in giving the a consolidated and useful information for a healthy and holistic life.
Mind Sound Resonance Technique (MSRT)
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