Children are an end and means of progress. It is high time to attend the needs and rights of children not as "a mere by-product of product but as an end and means of progress itself." Millions of children the world is growing up in circumstances under which they never are able to fulfill the mental and physical potential with which they are born. This is a human tragedy which contains within itself the seeds of its own renewal. It is imperative to break the self-perpetuating cycle which is central to development process. Without this all other investment in food production, community services and Human Resource Development will be less effective because a significant proportion of people neither be able to contribute fully to them nor benefit fully from them. In view of this the present Encyclopaedia entitled Child and Family Welfare encompasses a wide range of contents and approaches in its ambit and, as such it is expected to be of much interest to a vast spectrum of scholars. This Encyclopaedia is designed for use of neo-learner and divided into following six volume: Child Development: An Introduction; Health, Nutrition and Early Childhood Education; Policies and Programmes related to Child Development; Child Labour; Social Attitude Towards Children; Child and Family Welfare.
Encyclopaedia of Child and Family Welfare (In 6 Volumes)
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Encyclopaedia of Child and Family Welfare (In 6 Volumes)
1st ed.
viii+518p.; viii+347p.; viii+440p.; viii+309p.; viii+462p.; viii+375p., 25cm.
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