It introduces the classroom teacher and prospective teacher to those elements of measurement and evaluation that are essential to good teaching. The main theme throughout the book is that the evaluation of learning plays an important role in the instructional process and that its effectiveness depends largely on the ability to construct and select tests and other evolution instruments that provide valid measures of the intended learning outcomes. The book was designed for the introductory course in educational measurement and evaluation, at either the undergraduate or graduate level, and assumes no previous knowledge of measurement or statistics. The writing is direct and numerous examples are used throughout the book to illustrate important concepts, instruction, instruments and procedures. Statistical concepts are introduced only where necessary for understanding the discussion and then the emphasis is on interpretation rather than computation. A special section on elementary statistical computations is provided for those who want to develop a minimum level of computation skill. In addition or instead, textbook reading can be accompanied by practical project in test construction, text selection and text interpretation and the like. In any event practical application of the material will enhance learning and contribute to competence in using measurement skills.
Encyclopaedia of Educational Technology (In 3 Volumes)
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Dr. Y.K. Singh (b. 1964) obtained his three Post-graduation in 1988 and M.Ed. in 1984 from Meerut University, Meerut. He obtained his Ph.D. in Education from Meerut University in 1992 and started his professional career as a Lecturer in Education in a Teacher's training College, Ajmer (1988-89), Rajasthan University, Jaipur, (1981-91) and has served as a lecture in the department of education from (1991-2000) and Asst. Director, Institute of Information and Science (2002-2003) with In-Charge, Computer Centre from (Sept., 2000 to Nov., 2003), in Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya, Chitrakoot (Sama), M.P. He has obtained his computer certificates and diploma from the New Horizon's, Lodhi Road, New Dlhi (between 2000 to 2003). It is one of the best institution in computer training and education inIndia. Dr. singh has to his credit nearly 22 Research Papers and ARticles published in various outstanding Journals of repute; attended and actively participated in more than 15 regional, National Seminars, Conferneces and Workships. Life members and office bearers of some professional and academic associations and is a teacher and researcher in the field of Education. Dr. Singh has written more than 23 books in the language of Hindi and English. He has conducted more than 5 educational research projects and his areas of interest besides the present one are Education for rural people and Visually Handicapped, Psychology of Education, Research Methodology, Teacher Education, Technology of Teaching, School Administration and Supervision. He is memebr and advisor in many national and Internationa committees. Dr. Singh has visited so many countries, i.e., Japan in the year 2000-2001, Ching Mai University, Ching Mai, Thailand in the month of Dec. 2003 to attend Malaysia and Singapore to udnerstand their education system.
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Encyclopaedia of Educational Technology (In 3 Volumes)
1st ed.
vii+332p., 339p., 271p., Tables; Figures; Bibliography; 24cm.
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