Food habits are not necessarily related to nutrition and life style pattern. These habits are related with culture, environment and availability of food. Therefore, it is argued that life style patterns and food habits must be linked with nutritional requirements in such a way that disease could be prevented or cured, deprived nutrition at developing stage results in retardation of growth, poor health, reduced efficiency and also a poor level of social output. The social welfare policies and programmes in India are extensive in approach. The programme become more steamlined and were integrative in nature. Aimed to reach to the poorer sections, they have tried to integrate different types of services to cater a variety of needs. It is this phenomena in its varied dimensions which the editors of this encyclopaedia had tried to explore. They have provided an objective critique of the contradictions and consequences of the development and disparities. There are some definite linkages between development and disparities. Tackling as it does varies concerns which are of growing importance in most developing countries, the collection in this encyclopaedia is of thought provoking critical reviews/papers/articles from India and abroad which would appeal to a wide range of readers. The encyclopaedia encompasses a wide range of content and approaches in its admit and as such it is expected to be of much interest to a vast spectrum of scholars.

Encyclopaedia of Health, Nutrition and Family Welfare (In 3 Volumes)
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Encyclopaedia of Health, Nutrition and Family Welfare (In 3 Volumes)
1st ed.
1225p., Figs.
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