Encyclopedia of World Women presents a very fascinating study and equally a fascinating subject like woman who imbibes both the masculine and feminine character-traits and is, therefore, like a man bi-sexual. She manifests these fraits, of course, disproportionately. Either she is disproportionately masculine in her mode of behaviour and hence unwomanly or disproportionately feminine and as a result unmanly. An average woman displaying these traits proportionately—is mere a fiction. Extremism, therefore, is a defining factor of woman. One of the manifestations of extremism is her power over good or evil that makes her kind or cruel and she is quite consistent in her these extreme postures. This analysis is acknowledge as true in the case of any woman irrespective of her time and place of living. Indian woman, too, fails to satisfy the standards of an average woman and falls in the line of the woman of the world.
Encyclopaedia of World Women (In 10 Volumes)
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Encyclopaedia of World Women (In 10 Volumes)
1st ed.
4083p., 23cm.
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