In the "Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Biomedicine" the drugs of different origin viz. Vegetable, animal and mineral have been described in considerably illustrated form. The information given here is based mainly on the scientific work carried out in different parts of India & abroad. The chemistry of drugs, the pharmacological action of active principles isolated & the results of clinical traits carried out have been disinclined here to give a clear conception of each drug. Aromatic & essential ill bearing plants constitute an important group of Indian flora & number of these are used in the indigenous medicine. In this dictionary we have given a rivid description of these drugs of plant origin. Also there are some plants which have poisonous properties, plants liable to produce dermatitis, reputed abortifacient and emmenagogue plants, insecticidal and in sect repellent plants and piscicidal plants have also been included. Besides all these we tried to add one more additional information regarding the common bazar medicine that are normally used by Indians. Attempts have been made to present a comprehensive and at the same times a concise account of the whole subject of Indigenous drugs looked at from the point of view of praetiual utility in modern medicine. The author fervently hope that the book will serve the purpose for which it is written, that is alleviation of human sufferings through the medium of these drugs and economic exploitation of the medicinal plants growing in our country. We hope it will be given a good reception.
Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Bio-Medicine (In 2 Vols.)
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Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Bio-Medicine (In 2 Vols.)
1st. Ed.
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