English Teaching: Theory and Practice

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This book serves to provide a framework for guiding teachers on effective instruction of English language and literature. Even though languages like Spanish are projected to have more speakers soon than those in English, nevertheless, the situation and prospects enjoyed by English have never seemed better. It is no accident that writers today prefer to write only in English, even though in many cases it may not be their other tongue or even their first language. And with globalisation, English shows no signs of losing its international prominence. The purpose of the book is not limited merely to the teaching of the English language as mere means of communication, bounded by rules of vocabulary and grammar, but also involves its literary studies. The theory and practice of English teaching entails a whole host of principles, all of which have been conscientiously discussed in the book. Special emphasis has been laid upon teaching of language learning. Current trends and practices in teaching methodologies also find place in this text along with suggestions to teachers on how to evoke the students’ interest in the subject, making English language learning both informative and entertaining. Comprehensive, easy to follow and insightful, this book should prove to be of great interest to English teachers.


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English Teaching: Theory and Practice
1st ed.