Environmental Education: Strictly on the Basis of Prescribed Syllabus with Modern Trends

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This book on environmental education has been written to serve the purpose of equipping the readers with the knowledge that entails the subject, and to develop the tools and skills that are necessary to understand and appreciate the interrelationship among man, his culture and his bio-physical surrounding. The book presents an overall comprehensive perspective which acknowledges the fact that the natural environment and man-made environment are interdependent, and considers the environment in its totality. It examines various environmental issues from local, national and international points of view, and utilises various educational approaches to teach and learn about and from the environment with stress on practical activities and first-hand experience. The innumerable issues plaguing the environment are analysed in great detail, enough attention being paid to how they originate, what are the processes through which they work, and how they can be curbed or brought under control. No stone has been left unturned in bringing the readers a comprehensive understanding of the matter, and every effort has been made to make the book as up-to-date, reader-friendly and insightful as possible.


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Environmental Education: Strictly on the Basis of Prescribed Syllabus with Modern Trends
1st ed.