Geomorphology is the study of science of landforms. Landforms are the product of the processes operating with the march of time. Following the classical work of Davis’ landform is a function of structure, process and stage. Pioneer researches validate that the geologic structure plays dominant role in the evolution of landforms as a chief controlling factor. One can examine a classic scenery of different types of relief features and a multidimensional landform assemblage over earth surface because geomorphic processes operate at different styles and rates. The processes also leave their imprint upon landforms wherein each geomorphic process develops its own characteristics assemblage of landforms which must have ornamented in an orderly sequence. The outlook of landscape is the product of a group of processes. Thus, the geomorphology deals with the critical analysis of the morphological processes and their products, the assemblage of landforms within a distinct time span. Environmental geomorphology generally defines the scientific study of morphological process and landforms with respect to nature.
Environmental Geomorphology
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Environmental Geomorphology
1st ed.
x+318p., Figures; Tables.
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