The book provide with the elementary knowledge of taxonomy of angiosperms and a concise account of ecology. About ninety five important families of angiosperms belonging to both Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons have been dealt, which will meet the demands of pass and honours, student alike. As advances in plant taxonomy have been rapidly increasing during past several years, attempt has been made to treat each family on a new line of thought, particularly floral range, phylogenetic affinity with brief treatment on anatomical structure which will save the purpose and need of the students as well as frame the ground work for future specialized studies on systematic botany. Examples of plants growing in India and other countries too with their economic aspects have been given. Special morphology of each families have been treated in a separate paragraphs in way of discussion as it is very closely connected with the studies of angiosperm system. According to the rules of international nomenclature prescribed by Vienna Congress have been substituted.
Essentials of Plant Taxonomy and Ecology
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Dr. M.P. Singh, Head of the Department of Forest Sciences, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi (Jharkhand) earned his mater's degree in Botany with specialization in Taxonomy and after his PH.D degree in Floristic from Patna University and Diploma in Forestry from Forest Research Institute, Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education, Dehradun. He is a fellow in Life Sciences of Mendelian Society of India, Patna. Besides teaching Dr. Singh has been engaged with independent research in Project of Government of India as Principal investigator. He is noted Taxonomist of the country and have about twenty one years of long experiences. He is an advisor to the Government of India for whole Eastern Region on Horistic research and member of FLORA INDIA. He is the Editor of Journal "New Botanist" for forestry sector. He has published eight books in Botany, Forestry and on Environmental Sciences and also published eighty five research papers in National/International Journals. He has also guided a number of Scholar for award of Ph. D. degree in Botany as well as in Forestry. He is one of the member of Botanical Survey of India in a Research Selection Committee. He has extensively travelled in India and abroad in conection to floristic studies.
Dr. S.G. Abbas, Head of the Department of Ecology and Environment, Bisra Agricultural University, Ranchi has earned master degree in Botany from Bhagalpur University. He had done Ph. D. in ecology from Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur and Diploma in forestry from forest Research Institute, Dehradun and Advance Training in forestry from USA. Besides, teaching since 1983, he has been enganged in independent research in ICFRE Project of Government of India, New Delhi. He is also written one book on Environment and Natural Resources. He has attended many seminar and symposia in national level and has published many research papers in national and international journals.
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Essentials of Plant Taxonomy and Ecology
Daya Publishing House, 2016
viii+454p., Figures
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