Nature has provided an excellent storehouse of remedies to cure all the ailments of mankind. Since thousands of years, medicine and natural products have been closely linked through the use of traditional medicines and natural poisons. Of late there has been renewed interest in natural product research due to the failure of alternative drug discovery methods to deliver many lead compounds. Clinical, pharmacological and chemical studies of traditional herbal medicines were the basis of most early medicines such as Aspirin, Digitoxin, Morphine, Quinine and Pilocarpine. 5000 plant species are estimated to be used in preparing around 25000 effective formulations curing various ailments owing to the India’s oldest, richest, diverse cultural and plant wealth. The present studies were undertaken with this background. Mysore and Coorg districts with their varied forest types and 13 tribal communities are a treasure trove of vast knowledge of plant-based for formulations. Present endeavour (1994-1999) of documenting traditional knowledge envisages 326 plant species used in curing 99 ailments. The raw data was scrutinized with all available pharmacopoeias as well as literature on traditional medicine for checking the veracity of medical uses that led to find 288 less known uses to the outside world. This book will be of great help to the plant lovers and users, especially for medicine.
Ethnobotany of Mysore and Coorg, Karnataka State
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DR. N P SINGH, Ex-Director, Botanical Survey of India was born on 15th August, 1941 in Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh, got his basic education at Lakhaoti in Buland Shahr district and his graduation and post-graduation (with merit) from Agra College of Agra University, Agra while his Doctorate degree was obtained from Pune University, Pune in Plant Taxonomy and Floristics. His field of specialization has been Plant Taxonomy, Floristics, Phyto-Geography, Conservation, Economic Botany and Ethnobotany. After a very brief stay at a Degree College as a Lecturer at Shamli in Muzaffarnagar District, he joined Botanical Survey of India in 1961 at Dehradun and stayed put for nearly 40 years until his retirement in 2001 from Kolkata. During this period he was mostly at Pune but for short durations at Jodhpur, Royal Botanic Gardens, KEW (U. K.) and for last few years at Kolkata, heading as its Director. He has so far published or edited 27 books and nearly 160 papers, which includes:2 volumes on Flora of India besides revising the families Clusiaceae, Asclepiadaceae and Periplocaceae (a few more smaller families are to be published); 10 volumes on the State Floras of Maharashtra (3 vols.), Karnataka, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh (2 vols.), Mizoram, Manipur and of Jammu and Kashmir besides 2 volumes on the Flora of Eastern Karnataka, Grasses of Maharashtra and Sedges of Karnataka plus Mangroves of Goa and Plant wealth of Andaman & Nicobar Islands in Hindi; 2 volumes on District Floras; 2 volumes on Floristic Diversity and Conservation Strategies in India, one on the Ethnobotany of Dadra, Daman and Nagar Haveli, one on Endemic and Threatened Plants of Maharastra and another on the Biodiversity of Western Ghats. His papers are published in various National and International journals- many dealing with grasses describing those of Karnataka and Maharashtra, besides about a dozen new taxa and new distributional records covering Biodiversity in all his specialized fields. A few more books are under publication. During his long innings in B.S.I. he as Principal Investigator has handled and completed many projects of Govt. of India on subjects like Ethnobotany, Bio-prospecting of biological wealth, Validation of threatened plants of India, Inventorization of medicinal plants of India, Flora of Protected Areas of India (Phase I)-Biosphere Reserves and National Parks and Database of the Herbarium Specimens and Live Collections of B.S.I. Dr. Singh has guided 9 post-graduate students for Ph.D. degree, 1 has just submitted his thesis while 1 more is about to submit, besides 1 student for M. Sc. Degree. He was awarded a merit increment in 1977 by the Department, "Vishist Vaigyanik Puraskar" in 1993-94 by Govt. of India and Prof. B. A. Razi Medal for 2000 by the Association for Plant Taxonomy (APT). He has served as President of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy (IAAT) for 2001 and for Association for Plant Taxonomy (APT) for the years 2001-05. He was also elected as an Asian Member, Plants Committee of CITES (UNEP) from 2001-04. Dr. Singh has traveled widely to various countries of the world. He is a Life Fellow of the Indian Botanical Society for nearly 4 decades since 1966. He is a Life Founder Member, Vraksh Samwardhini (Tree Conservation),Maharashtra. He is a Life Member of the Association for Plant Taxonomy (APT) and Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy (IAAT). He is now enjoying his retired life at Ghaziabad (U.P.), though very much concerned with the subject.
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Ethnobotany of Mysore and Coorg, Karnataka State
1st ed.
xxxii+300p., Tables.
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