Excavations at Moghalmari: First Interim Report (2003-04 to 2007-08)

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Buddhist Monastic establishments had much in common both in purpose and objective throughout India. The monastery modelled in the form of dwelling-cum-educational unit with temple within followed an age old tradition. The embellishment of monastic complex with lime/stucco decorations became widespread in Post-Gupta period which was however replaced by terracotta plaque decoration in the later period. The present discovery of a Pre-Pala Buddhist monastic establishment with two distinct structural phases at Moghalmari in Paschim Medinipur by the Department of Archaeology, University of Calcutta is a significant landmark in the history of Bengal. The earlier structural phase dated to AD 7th/8th century represents a huge monastery extensively decorated with lime/stucco decorative elements, while the later phase dated to AD 12th/13th century shows the decadent phase of structural activities devoid of external decoration. This possibly indicates the gradual decline of Buddhism as experienced at other Buddhist monastic sites of Bengal.


Asok Datta, M.A. in Archaeology and Ancient Indian History and Culture, was awarded Ph.D. degree by the University of Calcutta for his dissertation work on "Pebble-core element in India - A study on geo-cultural variation" in 1981. He was also awarded a Fellowship by the German Government in 1982 for the study of modern methods and techniques in Archaeology. He has already completed a research projection "Upper Palaeolithic culture in Midnapur District" being financed by ICHR. Dr. Datta is the author of Palaeohistory of man and his culture and Neolithic culture in West Bengal. He is also the editor of Studies in Archaeology and man and his culture. In addition, more than twenty five research papers have already been published in different research journals. At preset he is engaged in preparing a source book of Archaeology of eastern India. Dr. Datta teaches archaeology in the Department of Archaeology, Calcutta University.


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Excavations at Moghalmari: First Interim Report (2003-04 to 2007-08)
1st ed.
xx+116p., Tables; Figures; Colour Plates