The Chilka Lake in Orissa is the largest coastal lake in the country and is well known as an wetland of international importance. The Chilka lake has been studied by the scientists of Zoological Survey of India during the second decade of the century and the reports published in the memoirs of Indian Museum between 1915-1924 amply focussed on the rich faunal diversity of this ecosystem. It is reported that more than hundred thousands people are dependant on this wetland and as such the system may also be considered as one of the best example of wise use. The Zoological Survey of India after an interval of 60 years since the last report of Chilka was published initiated an extensive survey on Chilka lake for a period of 3 years from 1985-1987. The present volume contained the findings of the investigation and one can compare the faunal resources recorded at an interval of 60 years. In most of the cases the document reveals biodiversity at species level still appears very rich, even though the physico-chemical and limnological characteristics have significantly changed between 1925 to 1985.
Bioorganic Chemistry
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