The phenomenon of child labour is a complex one, which requires concerted efforts to combat it. The practice of child labour has a strong root in the socio-economic and political structures of any society. This evil practice has definite repercussions on human resource development of any society and therefore, it has to be abolished. It is undoubtedly true that employment of children would ruin the society. Attempts made by the National and International Organisations have not helped to eliminate the practice of child labour completely. In such a situation developing right perspective on the issue of child labour is needed. This book addresses major issues such as gender bias, exploitation of children, human rights violation, primary education, middlemen syndrome, perception of parents, avenues of recreation, and occupational health hazards within the broader framework of the problem of child labour. Opinion of cross-sections of rural population on the issue of child labour is comprehensively presented in this book. Further, it discusses specifically the practice of female child labour engaged in beedi production highlighting strong gender bias and suggests measures for the possible elimination of child labour in beedi production. On the whole, this book embodies the intensive field experience of author with the problem of child labour. This book will immensely benefit the social scientists, social welfare administrators and human rights activists.
Female Headed Households in Patriarchal Society: A Sociological Study
The main objective of the ...
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