The economics of fisheries describes the use of its resources in various ways. Seeing the potential production, distribution of manpower, capital and natural resources the investment, profit, supply and demands are analyzed. The economics of the fishery sectors are important as the fisheries provide great revenue to the country. The facts are illustrated by review of various theories and suitable examples of fisheries economics. The exercises are given in text to the careful readers to make them quite capable and to do work on fishery economics logically in their particular location. This book emphasized on fishery organizations, policies and various programmes made b central and state Govt. the inland and coastal aquaculture, socio economic issues of the fishery sector, economic reforms, WTO women empowerment, rural jobs, microfinance, rural finance, co-operatives, money matters, cost concepts, supply analysis of fish, supply and demand, marketing, food quality, safety, Nanotechnology in food design and packaging in the form of are described in details. This book will provide excellent informations to students, teachers, researchers, policy makers, business people and farmers also.
Fisheries Economics
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Fisheries Economics
1st ed.
Daya Publishing House, 2011
viii+395p., 25cm.
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