One of the most popular of all the Hindu Gods, Ganesa or Ganesh is also an endearing character. With an elephant head, a whimsical appearance and being the God of good fortune, he is bound to be popular. "Need we be surprised if Ganesa, God of success, achieved for himself a truly remarkable career?" But Ganesa is a far more complex God than might first be assumed. He has many different manifestations and many other names as well. In fact his appeal has made him a well-travelled personality. He has even been found embracing an elephant-faced consort. The Ganesh form occurs in Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, China, Tibet, Turkestan and as far away from his ancestral home of India and Nepal as Japan. In Alice Getty’s book are found the legends, manifestations, varied descriptions and historical elements of all things pertinent to the elephant deity. No scholar of Hindu and Buddhist culture can fail to learn more about this most colourful of Gods. Ganesa smiles on all those who show devotion.
Ganesa: A Monograph on the Elephant-Faced God
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Ganesa: A Monograph on the Elephant-Faced God
1st ed.
Pilgrim Books Pvt. Ltd., 2007
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