The study of Economic and Commercial Geography, and for that matter, General Geography, lies long been neglected in this country and yet the importance of such a study can hardly be lover-emphasised. Signs are however not wanting to show that our universities have, at last, come to realise the importance of geography in all its branches: and today it is gratifying that the subject is being given its proper place and recognition in the different university courses. Geography of India: Physical, Political and Commercial is written keeping in view of course requirements of Indian students. This book comprehensively analyses how the physical aspects of this country is responsible for its political and commercial development.
Geography of India: Physical , Political and Commercial
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P. Arunachalam is a Reader in the Department of Applied economics, Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT), Kochi-22, Kerela State, India. He was the head of the Department of Applied Economics, Cochin University of science and techonology during the period april 2004 to aoril 2007. He has Nineteen years of Teaching and Research Experiences. He took his PG degree from Loyolo College, Madras, a world-renowned college in Southern India, affiliated to Madras and university and M.phill and Ph. D Degrees from Cochin university of Science and Technology, Kochi ,Kerela State.Pondicherry University, a central university, Awarded him Doctoral Fellowship intye year 1988. he joined as a Lecturer in the 1989 and become Reader in the 1997. He was Awarded post Doctoral Training Fellowship by the NUFFIC (Netherland Council for Co-operation in Higher Education, Government of Netherlands) for six times under SEPTRA-MHO-programe between the department of Applied Economics, cochin University of science and technology and the Development research institute (IVO), Tilburg University, the Netherlands during the period 1999 to 2004. Part of his research Training programme, he visited France, Germany, italy, Belgium, spain, England, Switzerland, srilanka, and most of the Gulf Countries. He is specialized in Quantitative Techniques and International Economics . He is teaching Business Statistics at Master of Business Economics (M.B.E.) levels and Quantiative Techniques at M.phil level. He was a member of the Academic council, CUSAT from april 2004 to april 2004. He is visiting faculty member of many Universities in South India. He is a member of several Academic and professional Bodies at National and international Levels. He has done a Minor Projects on @India @s Spices Exports to the Netherlands @under UGC UN-Assigned grant and jointly done a Major Project on @global Based commodity Chain; with special references to Cardamom@ funded by NUFFIC through Development research institute, Tilburg University, the Netherlands, with Dr. wim Pellupessey, Senior Economists, IVO, Tilburg University, trhe Netherlands. He did his Ph.D works on @India@s Engeering goods exports: growth, concentration and Diversification. He has to his credit 40 Research Articles in various reputed journals and magazines and also contributed articles to 9 textbooks. Participated as an expert and presented research papers in more than 58 National and international conferences, workshops , Symposiums and seminars. He has produced 3 Ph.Ds and several more students are doing Ph.D under his supervision. Now doing a major research work on @Special economic Zones@ in India. He has been selected fopr the professor post in the department of economics, Bharathiyar university, coimbatore. Member as partner of Dr. M. Rajarajan@s Digital Identity Management, City university, London, England.
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Bibliographic information
Geography of India: Physical , Political and Commercial
Swastik Publications, 2014
280p., 23cm.
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