Professor Basanta Kumar Sahu has been a pioneer in the use of statistical techniques in the study and interpretation of textural characteristics of sediments. He has also made significant contributions in the use of multivariate techniques and stochastic modeling in Earth Sciences. Professor Sahu inspired several generations of students to learn and use these techniques in various fields of geology. This collection of papers is brought out as a token of respect for his pioneering endeavour in the use of statistics in Earth Sciences. The collection of papers includes contributions on the following topics: Multivarite Statistics: General review of concepts and methods, applications and case-studies in areas of environmental geochemistry, palaeontology, stratigraphy and mineral resource assessment. Geostatistics and Stochastic Modelling: Review of concepts in non-linear geostatistics, concepts of change of support and solutioins, case-studies of time-series modeling and application of geostatistics to hydrogeological problems.
Nursery and Landscaping
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