This book contains original articles on various aspects of botany including ethnobotany, palaeobotany, plant pathology, applied mycology, biotechnology and forestry. Such a varied and up-to-date is bound to make it useful to the botanists, agriculturists, foresters and scientific management advisers and administrators. The contributors are well known in their specialised fields of research and they have made sincere efforts to make their papers as recent and comprehensive as possible.
Glimpses in Botany
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Dr. B.P. Chamola obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree in Botany from HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar, Uttaranchal. He has published 13 papers in different journals, symposia and books, he has co-edited ‘Advances in Botany’, ‘Mushrooms of India-Boletaceae’, ‘Red Algae’, Brown Algae’ (APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi) and edited ‘New Approaches in Microbial Ecology’ (Aditya Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi), ‘Integrated Pest and Disease Management’, ’Advances in Microbial Biotechnology’, ‘Glimpses in Botany (APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi), ‘Biology of Lichens’ (Aravali Books International, New Delhi), ‘Biotechnological Approaches in Biocontrol of Plant Pathogens’, ‘Mycorrhizal Biology’, ‘Biocontrol Potential & its Exploitation in Sustainable Agriculture ‘Vols. I and II (Kluwer Academic/Plenum Pblsihers, USA) and ‘Techniques in Mycorrhizal Studies’ (Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands). His current major interest includes biological control of plant pathogens through AM/VAM fungi and use of these fungi in afforestation of wastre and barren lands. Presently he is involved in teaching and research at the Department of Forestry, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar (Garhwal), Uttarancal.
Professor K.G. Mukerji has published over 600 research papers. He has co-authored ‘Taxonomy of Indian Myxomycetes’ (J. Cramer, Germany), ‘Plant Diseases of India’ (Research Studies Press Limited, England and John Wiley and Sons Inc., USA) and edited ‘Biocontrol of Plant Diseases’ Vols. I and II (CRC Press, USA), ‘Handbook of applied Mycology’, Vols. I-IV (Marcel and Dekkar, USA), ‘Concepts in Mycorrhizal Research’, Techniques in Mycorrhizal Studies’ (Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands), ‘Advances in Botany’, ‘The Mushrooms of India-Boletaceae’, ‘Red Algae’, ‘Brown Algae’, ‘Integrated Pest and Disease Management’, ‘Glimpses in Botany’ (APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi), ‘Biology of Lichens’ (Aravali Books International, New Delhi), of Plant Pathogens’, ‘Mycorrhizal Biology’, ‘Biocontrol Potential & its Exploitation in sustainable Agriculture’ Vols. I and II (Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, USA). He is on the editorial board of several National and International Journals dealing with Botany, Mycology, Plant Pathology and Biotechnology. More than 60 students have got Ph.D. in Botany under the supervision of Professor Mukerji. He is a member of numerous societies and microbial ecology. Professor Mukerji is a distinguished mycologist and microbial ecologist and he is well reputed for his research contributions all over the world.
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Glimpses in Botany
1st ed.
xxvii+430p., Figures; Tables; Maps; 25cm.
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